welcome concer !
The aim for this map was to make a concmap that is fun for both
experienced aswell as beginning concers. The blue or "Newbies"
team have some advantages throughout the map, in most cases this
means they can touch the glass parts, some ledges, and the ramps
at the first jump. The red or "Expert" team offcourse will have
it a bit harder. All of the jumps are possible, if you can't figure
out how to do a jump i can supply you with a demo, just email me.
The VIP room at the end is only accessable when carrying a ball,
of wich i will not reveal its location. It's up to you to find it,
good luck. The first concer of each team to take the flag at
the end is the winner ( in case you want to race ). Have fun !
... Lt.Hinkle ... ( [email protected] )
Special thanks to :
- HighWire.Be : Mapping Advisor / Beta Tester
The aim for this map was to make a concmap that is fun for both
experienced aswell as beginning concers. The blue or "Newbies"
team have some advantages throughout the map, in most cases this
means they can touch the glass parts, some ledges, and the ramps
at the first jump. The red or "Expert" team offcourse will have
it a bit harder. All of the jumps are possible, if you can't figure
out how to do a jump i can supply you with a demo, just email me.
The VIP room at the end is only accessable when carrying a ball,
of wich i will not reveal its location. It's up to you to find it,
good luck. The first concer of each team to take the flag at
the end is the winner ( in case you want to race ). Have fun !
... Lt.Hinkle ... ( [email protected] )
Special thanks to :
- HighWire.Be : Mapping Advisor / Beta Tester