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conc_mueh2 1.0

Well! second map to the conc_mueh series :o.

Hope you enjoy the 2 settings of difficulty! Some of the jumps are pretty hard (on hardside ofc! Nubbins! :P)
The easy side is more of a conc_speed type side, combined jumps easy diffilculty :P Hf trying to combo them
(Make use of the combo team nubins!!!) the hard side? Christ, you're in for a hell of a time with that one!


Well, I guess there is plenty of people to thank :) So i'll just put it this way

Thank you, all of your beta testers + Lovers of conc_mueh :o.

Now, you all need to give a nice special warm hug to simbian without him? You'd not be playing this map!
this guy got me into mapping, along with fixing the allocblock:full error on this map! (Holy poop! <33)

Also, thankyou to Tyrant, For the amazing hidden jump :P! (Try find it if you can :D?)
Thanks to fubar, For your laggy ending?! j/k Thanks for the ending xD!
Also, Thanks to cal, You tested my map and submitted a secret jump (Sorry i couldn't figure it out :<<< Was a
leet jump, you know i wanted it in :P!)


Wewt? wewt? wewt? You guys know what time it is!

ITS MUEH TIME *dances*
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