Concmap9 by [-BzM-]-=Sui=-
Reach the end using you l337 concing skillz
This was designed mainly as a "fun" "easy" map
Rather than a l337 impossible jumps map
The are a few tricky moments and a few easy moment
Build Time - 1 Day
Yes...This map was built in the space of 1 day. And
perhaps in places it does show that it was built in a day
But I was bored...
1 Secret (ish)
You need a ball to open the blue doors
There are 15 Balls...if there are 16 on a server....TOUGH
Beware of the Sharks...they bite.
Contact:- [email protected]
www.banzaimaps.co.uk (Leader/Founder [email protected])
No overview due to too much overlap
This was called concmap9 due to the fact it uses more textures
then earlier maps in the series
Used Textures - 18
Concmap9 by [-BzM-]-=Sui=-
Reach the end using you l337 concing skillz
This was designed mainly as a "fun" "easy" map
Rather than a l337 impossible jumps map
The are a few tricky moments and a few easy moment
Build Time - 1 Day
Yes...This map was built in the space of 1 day. And
perhaps in places it does show that it was built in a day
But I was bored...
1 Secret (ish)
You need a ball to open the blue doors
There are 15 Balls...if there are 16 on a server....TOUGH
Beware of the Sharks...they bite.
Contact:- [email protected]
www.banzaimaps.co.uk (Leader/Founder [email protected])
No overview due to too much overlap
This was called concmap9 due to the fact it uses more textures
then earlier maps in the series
Used Textures - 18