concmap_base by Basement_Jaxx aka. Base_Jaxx-xC aka. [ConC]Base_Jaxx.rM-xC-]C3k[-
Ok, well here it is, my first ever concmap...I learnt vhe3.4 (mapping programme)
on the same day as I started to build this map, and the map took roughly 3 days
to put togeather. It will hopefully be my first of many. It is a relativly easy
map which n00bs may find tricky, intermediates shouldnt have to much touble with,
and the 1337's will most likely finish it within 5mins of it starting! But, anyway
whatever level you consider youself to be...Enjoy...
Thanks to:
-BzM-Kami for great help with mapping, his tutorials, his programmes etc...
Rasier for help with the odd bits and bobs,
Fisheye for mapping help, hosting (although server crashed twice - was solved),
Psychodog123.mS for hosting.
Thanks to the Testers:
Junior - for being in the server for about 2mins i supose :/ (*wubs*)
Also Thanks to anyone I missed (i wrote this at about 2am and cant remember everyone)
- tell me if I missed you!
And all meh concin' buddies...
Map Designed and Created : Base_Jaxx-xC-
Email : [email protected]
MSN : [email protected]
AIM : Barely use it, no point..
ICQ : 173741288
- Base_Jaxx...
Ok, well here it is, my first ever concmap...I learnt vhe3.4 (mapping programme)
on the same day as I started to build this map, and the map took roughly 3 days
to put togeather. It will hopefully be my first of many. It is a relativly easy
map which n00bs may find tricky, intermediates shouldnt have to much touble with,
and the 1337's will most likely finish it within 5mins of it starting! But, anyway
whatever level you consider youself to be...Enjoy...
Thanks to:
-BzM-Kami for great help with mapping, his tutorials, his programmes etc...
Rasier for help with the odd bits and bobs,
Fisheye for mapping help, hosting (although server crashed twice - was solved),
Psychodog123.mS for hosting.
Thanks to the Testers:
Junior - for being in the server for about 2mins i supose :/ (*wubs*)
Also Thanks to anyone I missed (i wrote this at about 2am and cant remember everyone)
- tell me if I missed you!
And all meh concin' buddies...
Map Designed and Created : Base_Jaxx-xC-
Email : [email protected]
MSN : [email protected]
AIM : Barely use it, no point..
ICQ : 173741288
- Base_Jaxx...