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concmap_hodja_r 1.0

Map: Concmap_HODJA
Author: HODJA[-DF-]

Basic concmap, conc through all 20 jumps to reach the end!

Notes: Pretty basic map, it's my first complete TFC map.
Everyone also gets quad and invincibility to both avoid death
and so people can try their luck at classes other than medic and scout.
I apologize in advance for the crappy end room, i had intended to make
this map longer and with a more rewarding ending, but unfortunately "alloc:block full"
errors made me wrap up the map before i was completely done.

Special thanks to:
My playtesters:
And also to everyone from The Deviant Force for their help and support.

Any questions, comments, bugs, errors, suggestions, etc. please contact me!
This is my first map, so i'm still learning.
E-mail me @ [email protected] or contact me through AIM @ HODJA.

Install instructions: I assume everyone knows how to install TFC maps if you're
downloading/reading this, but just in case: extract (keeping the folders)
into the Team Fortress Classic folder (should look something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\team fortress classic").
If for some reason your zip program doesn't extract path names, extract the .bsp
and the .txt into the tfc\maps folder, the tele1.spr into the tfc\sprites folder,
nd the .wav file into the tfc\sounds\HODJA folder (you'll need to make this folder manually)

Thanks for playing!


Map: concmap_hodja_r
Author: HODJA[-DF-]
Revised by: Lt Llama, span
Beta tester: Galdur, span, Lt Llama
August 20 2007

concmap_hodja has been used as one of the tryout maps to Euroskillz Ez guild.
Some people had problems with low fps and lag because it wasnt compiled with rad.
I asked Hodja if I could have the rmf file and behold, he was a nice guy :).

Things fixed in the _r version:

FIX: Added -sparse to rad compiler

* Max viewable distance
FIX: Changed from default 4096 to 8192

* Finish room
FIX: Moved info_teleport_destination. The player got stuck before. Added a light. Now the end room works as intended I think. Also changed fritcion and
added a friction reset at start.

* Redone lights
FIX: Moved some lights away from the walls to not have such bright light effect on the surfaces.

* Changed spawn and bag angles
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