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concmap_ill4death_r 1.0


This map is not possible as Demoman or Soilder(this only matters if your going to Speedrun.)
Have fun. Read on..

First off I want to start by saying, this is my tooken of apreciation to ill4death.
For all the time he put in for me. The lest i could do is put in some time for him.

ill4death, unforchantly it seems like I have have lost repect,
and I understand why, what did was wrong. But I have one thing left to say,
I want you to have a nice life And take it easy take care, nice knowning you
and it was sure nice of you to put all that time in for me. I have one thing
that will ALWAYS remind me of you. The spray you gave me, the hlss you taught me
how to use, the knowlege of knowing that what i did was wrong. I've learned my lesson.
But one more thing, My last tribute is, a map just for you.
Thats all I have to say let your dreams, and wishs take you far,
and always remember to look both ways before crossing the street.
"You don't know what you truely have, untill it's gone."

Thanks for everything Ill4death

6 jumps

Jump1 [par 3]
Jump2 [par 2] (do it with 4 its more leet =])
Jump3 [par 4]
Jump4 [par 4-5]
Jump5 [par 4]
Jump6 [par 2-3] (I not sure if 2 is possible)

Last Good byes to Ill4death
Meat: foamy^jM: yo
foamy^jM: omg i rly think ill4death hates me
Meat: haha
Meat: join me, we're talking right now
foamy^jM: i cant
foamy^jM: And he knows that
Meat: why?
foamy^jM: Vac banned
Meat: Oh LOL
foamy^jM: Wat u talking bout
Meat: We're really tight
Meat: Just things
foamy^jM: we were me and him
foamy^jM: OMg
foamy^jM: that gave me AWESOME idea
foamy^jM: for a map name
foamy^jM: concmap_ill4death_tribute
Meat: LOL
foamy^jM: concmap_ill4death
foamy^jM: Perfect
foamy^jM: ill custumize everything for hime
foamy^jM: love that guy
Meat: Yeah he doesn't like you
foamy^jM: why?
Meat: Hm
Meat: You're a dick dude!
foamy^jM: That wat he said?
Meat: No
Meat: That's what I said
foamy^jM: =o
foamy^jM: how am i a dick
foamy^jM: I met bigger dicks then me...just plain jackasses
foamy^jM: Cause i gave up on helping someone then feeling bad then adding them as a friend so i can help him in the future?
foamy^jM: mm
foamy^jM: i'm sorry =/
Meat: I don't know what really happened
Meat: but I've known ill for 3-4 years
Meat: and idk it seemed like you pulled a real dick move
foamy^jM: not today
foamy^jM: i was a dick to ill one day
foamy^jM: i FELL TRIrrible about
foamy^jM: it
foamy^jM: i told him that he wasnt a very good concer
Meat: In a very condescending way in front of a bunch of people
foamy^jM: yeh
foamy^jM: it was on esad_speedconc
foamy^jM: or, w/e that is
foamy^jM: i remember like it was yesterday
foamy^jM: i felt terrible from the day i said it
foamy^jM: i told him i was sry for it
foamy^jM: but i guess he never forgave me
Meat: Guess not
foamy^jM: where u there?
Meat: No, I took a few month break
Meat: when did you do this?
foamy^jM: oo bout a year ago
Meat: Oh haha
foamy^jM: Meat: In a very condescending way in front of a bunch of people
foamy^jM: how did u know that
Meat: The way he described it
Meat: I can just tell
foamy^jM: oh your talking about it with him for me?
Meat: Yeah I asked what happened
foamy^jM: hes still mad about it?
Meat: He's not mad,

Meat: he just doesn't think you deserve his respect anymore
Meat: I don't think I would either
Meat: he devoted a lot of time to you
Meat: even worked really hard on a spray for you
Meat: and you just throw him to the curb
Meat: say he's not good at concing anymore
Meat: and say you're going to be taught by someone else or something
Meat: He was just really disappointed
foamy^jM: wow
foamy^jM: I did that to him.... Wow, thats really... Rude
Meat: you think lol
foamy^jM: i still use his spray
foamy^jM: Its my fav
foamy^jM: Man
foamy^jM: How could i earn his repect back?
Meat: Idk, it doesn't seem like you will
foamy^jM is now Away.
foamy^jM is now Online.
foamy^jM: oh man
foamy^jM: that sucks
Meat: yeah
foamy^jM: Tell him "ill4death, unforchantly it seems like have have lost repect,
and i understand why, what did was wrong. But i have one thing left to say,
I want you to have a nice life And take it easy take care, nice knowning you
and it was sure nice of you to put all that time in for me. I have one thing
that will ALWAYS remind me of you. The spray you gave me, the hlss you taught me
how to use, the nolege of knowing that what i did was wrong. I've learned my lesson.
foamy^jM: But one more thing, My last tribute is, a map just for you.
Thats all i have to say let your dreams and wishs take you far.
and always remember to look both ways before crossing the street.
"You don't know what you truely have, untill it's gone. ~foamy
foamy^jM: well
foamy^jM: thats it
Meat: I told him
Meat: He said it was nice
foamy^jM: Thanks for all your help meat
foamy^jM: Thanks for helping me say good bye to ill4death.
foamy^jM: ='(
Meat: No problem man
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File size
1.1 MB
First release
Last update


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