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Darkulator 2.0

Darkulator - Version 2.0 (by botman -

The Darkulator is a Windows utility for Half-Life BSP map files that will
allow you to adjust the light levels in the map. You can increase or
decrease the light levels and you can change the skymap texture name.

When running the Darkulator utility, you will need to click on the
"Load BSP" button to load a BSP map file. Browse to the folder that
contains the map file that you wish to modify (found in the "maps"
folder of the MOD directory) and select the file and click on "Open"
(or just double-click on the map file name). This will load the BSP
map file into the Darkulator utility and will display the name of the
skymap texture in the "Skyname:" field. You will see the name of the
currently loaded BSP map file in the title bar of the Darkulator

You can adjust the light levels in the map by dragging the slider control.
The slider control will cause the light levels in the map to be scaled
up or down based on the position of the slider. The default slider setting
is 1.0 which will cause no adjustments to the light levels. Setting
the slider to 0.5 will adjust all the light levels by 1/2. Setting the
slider to 1.5 will increase the light levels by 50%.

If you wish to change the skymap texture name, you can modify the text
in the "Skyname:" field. Here's some example skymap texture names:

Half-Life deathmatch:
2desert, alien1, alien2, alien3, black, city, cliff, desert, dusk,
morning, neb1, neb2, neb6, neb7, night, space, xen8, xen9, xen10

2desert, backalley, badlands, blue, city1, cx, de_storm, des, doom1k,
drkgbk, forest, green, grnplsnt, hav, morningdew, office, snow,
tornsky, trainyard, tsccity

Team Fortress 1.5:
avanti, dustbowl, sky_blu_

If you are modifying a map for a MOD (like Counter-Strike or TFC) you
can also use skymap names from the Half-Life deathmatch directory (valve).
So for example, if you were modifying a map for Day of Defeat, you could
select one of the skymap texture names from the Half-Life deathmatch list.

After setting the light level slider position and entering in a skymap
texture name, you will need to click on the "Save BSP" button to save
the modified BSP map file. The default directory to save to will be the
same one the map was loaded from. Enter the file name you wish to use
when saving the modified BSP map file. You SHOULD NOT use the same
filename as the original BSP map filename when saving the BSP file. If
you do this when running a Half-Life server, clients will not be able
to connect to your server since the map files are different (even though
they have the same filename).

You may want to save several different copies of the modified BSP map file
(each with slightly different light level settings) before you exit the
Darkulator utility. This way you can load each map (one after the other)
while running the Half-Life MOD to see what each different light level
will look like. For example, you might load the deathmatch map "crossfire"
and set the light level to 0.8 and save that as "crossfire_1", then
adjust the light level to 0.6 and save that as "crossfire_2", then adjust
the light level to 0.4 and save that as "crossfire_3". Then you can exit
from the Darkulator utility and start Half-Life. Load the "crossfire_1"
map to check the light levels. Pull down the console and enter "map
crossfire_2" (without the quotes) to load the second modified map. Then
pull down the console again and use "map crossfire_3" to load the third
modified map. This way you can quickly compare the various light level
settings to pick the one that you want to use on your server.

Once you have saved the modified BSP map file, you can load another BSP
map file (by clicking on the "Load BSP" button) or you can exit the
Darkulator utility by clicking on the Window close 'X' button in the
upper right corner of the Darkulator utility.
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