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fishyconc3_r 1.0


Concmap for Half-Life Team Fortress 1.5 mod (medic and scout skills practice map)
By Fisheye 28th June 2003

v 1.0

** General information**
Title : fishyconc3
Filename : fishyconc3.bsp
Author : david guild aka fisheye
Email : [email protected]
Web Site :
Description : easyish concmap

Other maps by this author : fishyconc

Number of Teams : 1
Recommended # of Players: 1-16

** Map information **
New Textures : some by me, and some by others. i only used 1 or 2 from author/s
unknown to me, so if you see one of your textures and you think
you should have credit, then i guess it's too late. sorry :P
New Sounds : none
Tools used : Worldcraft 3.4
: hlcc
: Zoner's compile tools Custom Build 1.7p (Jan 25 2003)-Modified
to bump up MAX_MAP_PLANES by Karl 'XP-Cagey' Patrick
Build time : ages
Compile Machine : 2000xp 512DDR RAM,
Compile time : 6hrs 45mins

** Installation **

Extract all the files from your zip into the "Half-Life" directory.

** Credits **

Sky By Dash -- -- [email protected]

[email protected] for showing how the exploding barrels work.

"Nympho" Half-Life Model by Kris Hauser ([email protected])

And, as mentioned above, whoever made the 1 or 2 custom textures i used. cheers.

i'd also like to thank joespizza, the head man at and linux guru, for finding the
bug that caused the map to crash linux servers. i'd never have found it myself. cheers m8 :)

** Additional information **
there were a couple of little texture bugs that i wanted to fix on the final compile.
however, what was to be the final compile never got finished. no matter what method i
used to attemp the compile, windows would always shut it down with the 'illegal operation'
error message. even when i reverted to the previous .rmf or .map, it still kept crashing.
it didn't do this with any other maps, only this one. so instead of beating myself up
trying to fix this(bearing in mind it's only to fix a few small texture details)i decided to
release the map the way it is. warts and all so to speak. :)

the train feels laggy as hell, and i thought about taking it out, or having it
plunge from a bridge or something to remove it. maybe if it's a prob i'll do an '_r'
there's also the problem of 2 or 3 ppl in the train together. someone will usually
get fragged :P just seems to be a multi-player thing with trains.

other than that, Have fun!!!


oh, and avoid the sentry guns until you have a red key ,)


You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.

plz :)
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