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hackers_beta2 1.0

H_H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
H=H A C K E R S (beta 2)
H¯H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

by Sim (18/09/2009)

Following reported instabilities in the central government computer, you
have been sent in to investigate and repair it.

Your task is of utmost importance: all financial, business and military
activities depend on this computer and losing it will cause political

It has been suggested that the computer may have been programmed to turn
against us and attempt to destroy us. DO NOT let this happen! Should
this happen the world will be defenceless.

Good luck.

-Recommended at least 4 players.
-If you get stuck on a puzzle, come back to it later - you usually have
a choice of places to go. If you still can't do it then try hacking,
but this might affect the ending you get.
-This is a HARD map and takes a while to finish! Don't expect to beat
it first time!


Argitoth | Connum | gyiyg996 | Halleck | LG | NoiseCollector
Percy Duke | Syna-Max | yewbic
Some sound and music from Earthbound.

Rorshach | Schwenz | Natural Selection

Natural Selection

Laser cannon - by Lethal_injection

Andreas | Bolleh | Chuck_Norris | fAce! | GOLDFinger666 | Gon
Irina (Ariin) | leon | Lt. Llama | Lyca | MarCc | n3c | N.O.L.F. | Paft
Poon | RADIANCE | Ramon | Shua | Sockerkorn | Time_Rift | TYRONE

gyiyg996 - For recording the anti-piracy measures in Earthbound that
inspired this map.
leon - For mapping help and compiling models.
Lt. Llama - For running Euroskillz.
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