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King of the Hill 1.0

info_design TFC prefab by FlintMan
For Half-Life Team Fortress 1.5 mod and WorldCraft 3.3

Entity set-up for 'King of the Hill' style game play, with 4 teams. Zip contains Prefab library file (.ol). Place in your Worldcraft3/prefabs folder. When you start WC, and have Selection tool selected. Go to the New Objects toolbar, in Categories: select TFC-King of the Hill. In Objects: select entity group you need and hit Insert Original Prefab.

Placement and editing info.

Note goal numbers, Tens are for team 1, twenties for team 2, etc.

Hidden Room Entities group, should be placed in a sealed room outside your map. Out of reach and out of site. This is where item_tfgoals(flags) actually return to. Messages about player picking up flag are set within them. Do not use them for flag return messages. They are goal #'s 1, 2, 3, & 4. Pausetime, when flag returns from being left on ground, is set to 30.

Flag return messages are done by 2 groups of entities. They are also with the Hidden Room Entities.
info_tfgoals goal # 12, 22, 32, 42 give return message when flag returns from being dropped.

info_tfgoals goal # 14, 24, 34, 44 give return message when flag returns from cap point, by another team capping.

Scoring: Capping player gets 5 frags + 2 team points, this is done by 4 i_t_gs, 1 for each team. They are located in Cap Entities group. Goal #'s 11, 21, 31, 41. These goals also contain cap messages for editing.

4 info_tfgoals represent flags at cap point, #'s 16, 26, 36, 46. In prefab they are offset from each other for easy editing. During final usage you may want to line them up so flags appear on exact same spot.
Additional scoring by 4 info_tfgoal_timers (i_t_t), give 1 point every 10 seconds flag is capped to team score. Timers are located in Hidden Room Entities group.

To edit for less teams, Hidden Room Entities are lined up from above by teams. Delete group you don't want, starting with team 4. Remaining multimanagers in Hidden Room Entites are then edited to remove reference to deleted teams, mm's named 13, 23, 33, 43. Then also delete team entities from Cap Entities group. A info_tf_goal and i_t_g for each team.

You are free to use and edit however you wish, acknowledgment in map readme is appreciated.
  • prefab_king_of_the_hill.jpg
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