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2cave1 1.0

Title : Caverns (Version 1)
Filename : 2CAVE1.bsp
Author : Squint (clan DIS)
Email Address : [email protected]
Description :

Team Fortress Classic map featuring the usual flag capturing theme.
Quite large, but I have kept it simple in a last ditch attempt to defeat lag.
It is relatively easy to get turned around in it, due to the large number of
routes between bases. However, either you learn to gren/pipe/rocket/conc jump
or you use lifts, which are, ah, somewhat vulnerable. There is a way to the flag
without doing either, but it involves walking over just about every inch of enemy
territory to get there :o)

The water lift is slower than the one just slightly higher up -
It is worth getting off and using the other one if you want to save time.

At the current time (April 1999) I have never played this map more than 1 v 1
because I dont have anything more than a 56K modem to act as the server.
Any feedback atall would be welcome! (And if you get a good server running it,
please invite me along! I wanna play! :o)


* Play info *

Single Player : No
Coop : No
Deathmatch : No
TFC : Yes
Difficulty Settings : No
New sound/music/graphics: No
Base : Completely new.
Tools used : WorldCraft 2.1(beta)
Design Time : About 2 weeks (not full time though. honest.)
Build Time : qcsg 22 sec
qbsp 45 sec
qrad 5461 sec (full)
vis 79 sec (full)
total 01:33:27
Bugs: : None so far. My emails at the top :o)
Legal: : (c) 1999 Andrew Newman. All rights reserved.
This level may be distributed only via the
internet for no charge to the recipient.
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File size
400 KB
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