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2snipeu 1.0

Title : To Snipe You
Filename : 2snipeu.bsp
Author : Midnight Grin
Author Info : An art Student at Umass Dartmouth, planning
on transfering and Majoring in Animation
Email Address :
Description : Two forts seperated by a pool of acid
lots of levels to snipe from including three
elevator towers to shoot out of.
Where to get it :
Special thanks : Thanks to my Dad for finally getting
this pentium2 300mhz machine. I was getting
tired of Doom2 on the old 486.
: Thanks to Matthew Ayres and Paul Hsu for
: Thanks to Josh for inspiring me to play
more sniper.
* Play Information *

Single Player : To check it out (No mean men)
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : No
TeamFortress : Yes (sniper only)
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Taken from CTF wads, and greenish sky
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : No

* Construction *

Base : From scratch
Editor(s) used : Qoole, qbsp, light, vis, Ented, Qube
Known Bugs : NONE!
Build Time : roughly 20 hours.
Details: This level is the second with it's title. The first edition
was not up to my standards, (i.e. it didn't look good and was too small)
This remake is larger and has been playtested to get the best snipe

Copyright and Legal Notices
You may use this map to build addition maps
You must keep this text file with it wherever it goes!
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it as long
as you give me credit. I wouldn't mind knowing if you use it so please
tell me if you do.
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File size
326.9 KB
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