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conc_ninja2 1.0

conc_ninja2 - aka conc_the_dark_lords_of_ninja_mountain_dub_edition...
Designed and created by totoro^vi

Anyways, I learned how to map a day or two before making this meaning that this
is my first map ever, so be gentle.


This is actually a sequel to a map I haven't made yet... the full name came from a
contest between me and a few friends to think of the worst name / premise for a game
or movie ever. The map is hard and before you start complaining I promise to make a
more user friendly one sometime soon.


J1 - 7 concs
J2 - 6 concs (maybe 7 or 8 if you miss a bit) *notes about j2 at the bottom*
J3 - 13 concs (have fun)

3 jumps total: all jumps were designed to be extremely difficult, no lies, you
should view each jump in spectate before attempting and if you don't you
shouldn't expect to beat the jump, so no complaining. I'm 99% sure that all jumps
are possible, the only one that worries me is jump #2 conc #3 but I'm sure it's fine.
There is no jump order, however, the jumps get more difficult from right to left,
assuming you're standing at the entrance of the hub room.

Credits / Thanks etc:

Tyrant^vi and Artillery-u|c- for teaching me how to use VHE
Necro^vi for making me a better concer
s1^vi nothing spurs you on to do better like getting beat by someone half your age.
Seth for showing me how to tripple conc five years ago =x

All the ppl on lynn's server: Tophat, Mk, Muchez, Dnilb, Phast, Mud, Tiger and everyone
else I see on a regular basis there.
-- thanks for entertaining me and giving me something to do =p

Also thanks to all the ^vi people and other avi producers out there that add a bit of
relevance to a game that often needs it and giving me a reason to still play.

Map Note: you probably want to read this

Note about j2: j2 has makes extensive use of the clip tool, to help find out where
the invisible walls are use the teleporter behind the right (while facing
the wall) waterfall. The teles from each point are invisible and are located
in the far right and left corners (assuming you're facing forward with respect to the
jump), just remember, the right side will always port you to the start of the jump and
the left cycles through the sections, use this before attempting the jump so you aren't
surprised by anything. Oh yeah, and at and below the yellow stripe wall texture is

Also, as a side note the port out of the end room is right above where you drop in.

Reasoning behind not marking ports / walls is purely aesthetic, so live with it =p
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