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HPK Extract 1.0

hpk_extract - Release 1.0 - by botman (

hpk_extract allows you to extract bitmap images from the custom.hpk file
in your Half-Life MOD directory.

The hpk_extract utility will create a bitmap (.bmp) file for each
spray logo that is stored in the custom.hpk file. Spray logos that
are in a monochrome format will be stored in a file named "logo_m_N.bmp"
(where N is a counter, like 1, 2, 3, etc.). Color spray logos will be
stored in a file named "logo_c_N.bmp" (where N is a counter, like 1, 2,
3, etc.).

As the hpk_extract utility is running, it will print out the name of the
WAD file stored in the custom.hpk file. It will also print out the name
of the MIP (image) stored in that WAD and it will print the width and
height of the image. When the hpk_extract utility reaches the end of the
custom.hpk file, it will print out the total number of monochrome and
color bitmap files that were created.

The bitmap files that are created will probably be around 10K bytes per
file. If you have a 1 megabyte custom.hpk file, this will give you about
100 bitmap images.

Running hpk_extract on Windows machines:

Unzip the file into a directory of your choice.

If you are running a Win32 dedicated server or listen server, you will
need to run hpk_extract from an MS-DOS session. For Win9x you can start
an MS-DOS window by using Start->Programs->MS-DOS Prompt. For other
versions of Windows, try Start->Run->cmd.exe.

Change to the directory where you unzipped the hpk_extract utility
and run it with the path to your custom.hpk file. For example...

C:\hpk> hpk_extract D:\games\SIERRA\Half-Life\cstrike\custom.hpk

Running hpk_extract on Linux machines:

Unzip the file (using unzip, not gunzip) into a directory
of your choice. Change the permissions on the "hpk_extract" file to make
it executable (i.e. chmod 744 hpk_extract). Run the hpk_extract utility
and specify the path to your custom.hpk file. For example...

/usr/games/hpk# hpk_extract /usr/games/hlds_l/tfc/custom.hpk
Downloads Bot
Extention type
File size
26.8 KB
First release
Last update


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