Mapping: -=KAMIKAZE UK=-
Texturing: -=KAMIKAZE UK=-
Sound: -=KAMIKAZE UK=- ( Taken directly
from Sonic 1 )
email: [email protected]
url: www.geocities.com/kamikazeukmaps
Sonic and Tails
Collect and Place the Chaos Emerald
on the Floating Islands beside the
warp sphere. Stop Robotnick and
his drones from capturing the
emerald at all costs.
Robotnick and Drone Robots
Collect and Place the Chaos Emerald
on the Floating Islands beside the
warp sphere to enhance the power
of the emeralds so that your dream
of world domination can be realised.
Stop Sonic and Tails at all costs.
This map isn't a serious map, it's just
for fun and i'm not getting paid so
please don't sue me SEGA ! this could be
a useful bit of advertising for you !
Man how many copyrights am i infringing...
This map was made for the TPC Skillz server, the
only server where you can practice your TFC skills.
Mapping: -=KAMIKAZE UK=-
Texturing: -=KAMIKAZE UK=-
Sound: -=KAMIKAZE UK=- ( Taken directly
from Sonic 1 )
email: [email protected]
url: www.geocities.com/kamikazeukmaps
Sonic and Tails
Collect and Place the Chaos Emerald
on the Floating Islands beside the
warp sphere. Stop Robotnick and
his drones from capturing the
emerald at all costs.
Robotnick and Drone Robots
Collect and Place the Chaos Emerald
on the Floating Islands beside the
warp sphere to enhance the power
of the emeralds so that your dream
of world domination can be realised.
Stop Sonic and Tails at all costs.
This map isn't a serious map, it's just
for fun and i'm not getting paid so
please don't sue me SEGA ! this could be
a useful bit of advertising for you !
Man how many copyrights am i infringing...
This map was made for the TPC Skillz server, the
only server where you can practice your TFC skills.