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NeoTF Linux Server 1.9.0


A server-side mod for TFC.


1 - Installing NeoTF on a Dedicated server.
1.1 - Installing the .dll / .so on a clean STEAM server.
1.2 - Installing the .dll / .so on a WON server.

2 - Installing NeoTF on a LAN server ( i.e. Listenserver ).
2.1 - Installing the .dll / .so on a STEAM listenserver.
2.2 - Installing the .dll / .so on an old WON listenserver.

3 - Getting NeoTF to work with other MODs
3.1 - Getting NeoTF to work with FoxBot.
3.2 - Getting NeoTF to work with Metamod.
3.3 - Getting NeoTF to work with non-Metamod libraries.

4 - Miscellaneous
4.1 - Installing Glyphs.
4.2 - Authorization.
4.3 - Setting CVARs.

5 - STEAM Issues
5.1 - Creating a liblist.gam file.
5.2 - Liblist overwrite solution.

6 - Removing NeoTF from a server.
6.1 - Non Metamod server.
6.2 - Metamod server.
6.3 - Shared resources removal.

7 - Bugs.
8 - Credits.
9 - Contact information.

NOTE: In this tutorial we are assuming that you are using
Windows ( so note the direction of the slashes if you
are using Linux ) and you have installed STEAM in
the default directory ( i.e. C: drive ).

NOTE: We also assume you have installed TFC and/or
the Dedicated server applications. If not,
then install these applications before proceding.

NOTE: For Dedicated Servers, we assume that the application
you are using is the one from the STEAM games menu
and not the standalone HLDS application (in which case
you should take into consideration the relative directory
paths to your TFC folder).

1 - Installing NeoTF on a Dedicated server.

1.1 - Installing the .dll / .so on a clean STEAM server.

When you installed STEAM, you had to create an account
with a valid e-mail address eg, YOURNAME@EMAIL.
This will create a folder in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\
where most downloaded contents (maps/sounds/models/sprites)
will be stored. This folder will have the same name as you email address.
It is from within this folder that most of your games and server
applications will be run.

In this folder you will find the dedicated server folder:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\Dedicated Server

Within this folder is a HLDS launcher app and a number of
game folders, the TFC one is the one we are looking for:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\Dedicated Server\tfc

NOTE: For the standalone HLDS, the (default) TFC folder would be:

In this TFC folder you will find:
(I). A liblist.gam file, replace the revelant
Operating System gamedll entry:

For a Windows server edit this file and replace the line:

gamedll "dlls\tfc.dll"


gamedll "addons\NeoTF\dlls\ntf.dll"

For a Linux server edit this file and replace the line:

gamedll_linux "dlls/"


gamedll_linux "addons/NeoTF/dlls/"

(II). A "models" folder, create a "neotf" folder inside
this and extract all NeoTF custom models here.

(III). A "sound" folder, create a "neotf" folder inside
this and extract the llama sound files here.
The sound files for the "ntf_tpoint" map also go here:
breather.wav, rwind.wav and waterfall2.wav

(IV). A "sprites" folder, create a "glyphs" folder inside
this and extract the glyph sprite files here.

(V). A "maps folder", extract the ntf_* maps here.

For the loadconfig feature, create a "neotf" folder
inside this and put any map config files here.

(VI). A server.cfg file, put "exec ntf_cvars.cfg" in this
file and extract the ntf_cvars.cfg file to this directory,
so that the server config file can execute the CVAR config file.

(VII). A "dlls" folder. Inside this folder is the tfc.dll file
that this MOD will load.

Create an "addons" folder in this TFC directory and extract
the "NeoTF" folder to this directory, so it ends looking like this:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\Dedicated Server\tfc\addons\NeoTF

You should now have inside addons\NeoTF:
(a). An "areas" folder, containing all the FoxBot area files.

(b). A "data" folder to store messages from
the messaging system.

(c). A "dlls" folder, containing the ntf.dll file ( for Windows )
or file ( for Linux ).

(d). A "docs" folder containing all the NeoTF documentation.

(e). A "help" folder, containing all the ntf_help files.

(f). An ntf_users.ini file for the auth system.
Note: Your current WONID will not work in TF 1.6,
you will need to find out what your STEAM ID is to
auth yourself on your own server.

To do this go on any dedicated server ( NOT a LAN server! )
and type "status" in your console and obtain your STEAM ID
from the output.

(g). An ntf_config.txt file to load the ntf.dll file ( for Windows ) OR an
ntf_configlinux.txt file to load the file ( for Linux ).

(h). An ntf_glyphs.txt file to load the glyphs.

(i). An ntf_welcome.txt file.

Once you have set up all the files you can start your

The TF1.6 dll loads extra sprites and models for teleporters,
this may cause a crash when loading the map "warpath"
if you have all features enabled.

1.2 - Installing the .dll / .so on a WON server
All Half-Life games now use STEAM.
You cannot create WON Dedicated servers anymore.
Go to the STEAM website for more information:

2 - Installing NeoTF on a LAN server ( i.e. Listenserver )

2.1 - Installing the .dll / .so on a STEAM listenserver
NOTE: In this tutorial we are assuming that you are using
Windows ( so note the direction of the slashes if you
are using Linux ) and you have installed STEAM in
the default directory ( i.e. C: drive ).

When you installed STEAM, you had to create an account
with a valid e-mail address eg, YOURNAME@EMAIL.
This will create a folder in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\
where most downloaded contents (maps/sounds/models/sprites)
will be stored. This folder will have the same name as you email address.
It is from within this folder that most of your games and server
applications will be run.

In this folder you will find the TFC Client folder:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\team fortress classic

Within this folder is an HLDS Launcher app and a number of
game folders, the TFC one is the one we are looking for:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\team fortress classic\tfc

In this TFC folder you will find:
(I). A liblist.gam file, (you may have to create this file, see Section 4.1 )
Replace the revelant Operating System gamedll entry:

For a Windows server edit this file and replace the line:

gamedll "dlls\tfc.dll"


gamedll "addons\NeoTF\dlls\ntf.dll"

For a Linux server edit this file and replace the line:

gamedll_linux "dlls/"


gamedll_linux "addons/NeoTF/dlls/"

(II). A "models" folder, create a "neotf" folder inside
this and extract all NeoTF custom models here.

(III). A "sound" folder, create a "neotf" folder inside
this and extract the llama sound files here.
The sound files for the ntf_tpoint map also go here:
breather.wav, rwind.wav and waterfall2.wav

(IV). A "sprites" folder, create a "glyphs" folder inside
this and extract the glyph sprite files here.

(V). A "maps" folder, extract the ntf_* maps here.

For the loadconfig feature, create a "neotf" folder
inside this and put any map config files here.

(VI). A listenserver.cfg file, put exec ntf_cvars.cfg in this
file and extract the ntf_cvars.cfg file to this directory,
so that the server config file can execute the CVAR config file.

(VII). A "dlls" folder. Inside this folder is the tfc.dll that
this MOD will load.

Create an addons folder in this TFC directory and extract
the NeoTF folder to this directory, so it ends looking like this:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\team fortress classic\tfc\addons\NeoTF

You should now have inside addons\NeoTF:
(a). An "areas" folder, containing all the FoxBot area files.

(b). A "data" folder to store messages from
the messaging system.

(c). A "dlls" folder, containing the ntf.dll file ( for Windows )
or file ( for Linux ).

(d). A "docs" folder containing all the NeoTF documentation.

(e). A "help" folder, containing all the ntf_help files.

(f). An ntf_users.ini file for the auth system.
Note: To auth yourself on the listenserver use "STEAM_ID_LOOPBACK"
or "VALVE_ID_LOOPBACK". Auth OTHER player via IP address, because
everyone else will have the same ID ( usually it's "STEAM_ID_LAN" ).

(g). An ntf_config.txt file to load the ntf.dll file ( for Windows ) OR an
ntf_configlinux.txt file to load the file ( for Linux ).

(h). An ntf_glyphs.txt file to load the glyphs.

(i). An ntf_welcome.txt file.

Once you have set up all the files you can start your
NeoTF (STEAM) Listen (LAN) Server.

The TF1.6 dll loads extra sprites and models for teleporters,
this may cause a crash when loading the map "warpath"
if you have all features enabled.

You may want to disable the custom models feature
and the glyphs feature to get this map to load.

2.2 - Installing the .dll / .so on an old WON listenserver

NOTE: USE the previous NeoTF version (ver 1.8.7)
for an old WON LAN server. The current version
does not support the old WON system.

Unzip the zip (or tar) file into your old Half-Life directory.

NeoTF now installs everything (with the exception of foxbot area files)
under tfc/addons/NeoTF

If you have a server that doesn't use metamod or any other addons,
follow these directions:

To get Half-Life to load the NeoTF .dll or .so file instead on the
default you need to edit tfc\liblist.gam file:

For a Windows server edit this file and replace the line:

gamedll "dlls\tfc.dll"


gamedll "addons\NeoTF\dlls\ntf.dll"

For a Linux server edit this file and replace the line:

gamedll_linux "dlls/"


gamedll_linux "addons/NeoTF/dlls/"

If you are installing NeoTF in addition to another TFC mod,
or if your server is metamod-enabled, follow the instructions
in Section 3.

3 - Getting NeoTF to work with other MODs

3.1 - Getting NeoTF to work with FoxBot

NOTE: You MUST install NeoTF and FoxBot WITH
Metamod for the Bots to use NeoTF features.
See Section 3.2 for Metamod information.

For a WON listenserver:
Use the FoxBot GUI installer and select the NeoTF option.
With this option, the FoxBoT will automatically set up
your files (liblist.gam, plugins.ini) to load the NeoTF dll.

For STEAM servers:
First install Metamod and FoxBot per (their) instructions.
Make sure FoxBot is loaded as a plugin by Metamod.

NOTE: Make SURE you are using the most current Metamod
version: 1.17.x ( i.e. with STEAM support ).

NOTE: Make sure you install FoxBot to the proper directory.
The FoxBot folder must be placed in the root game
directory which contains an HLDS launcher application.
For Dedicated servers this directory path looks like:
\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\dedicated server
For Lan servers (listenserver) this directory path looks like:
\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\team fortress classic

Add the following entry to your server's "autoexec.cfg"
file in your "tfc" folder:

For Windows servers use this entry:

localinfo mm_gamedll addons/NeoTF/dlls/ntf.dll

For Linux servers use this entry:

localinfo mm_gamedll addons/NeoTF/dlls/

This entry will tell Metamod to load NeoTF (and not normal TFC).

Remove any NeoTF entries in plugins.ini or metamod.ini file
or liblist.gam file, otherwise Metamod will end up trying to load
NeoTF twice, which will cause the following Half-Life error:
"Host_Error: SuckOutClassname: parse error"

3.2 - Getting NeoTF to work with metamod

Metamod ( provides plugin capability for addons.
Tools such as Adminmod ( use metamod.

Thanks to RedFox, NeoTF is now capable of running as a metamod plugin.

First install metamod/adminmod per instructions. Once complete
your liblist.gam should have the following lines:

gamedll dlls/metamod.dll
gamedll_linux dlls/

Your plugins.ini file (or metamod.ini for older MM versions)
should have a list of the metamod plugins you're using.
The order of these is important - make sure your server is working
with your metamod plugins before you try to run NeoTF.
Here's an example, yours will most likely vary from this:

linux dlls/
linux dlls/


win32 dlls/admin.dll

Note that all the above should have been accomplished when you installed
metamod and it's associated plugins.

Now to get NeoTF to work, just add the NeoTF ntf.dll or
to your plugins.ini (or metamod.ini for older MM versions) file:

win32 addons/NeoTF/dlls/ntf.dll


linux addons/NeoTF/dlls/

NOTE: Paths should use unix-style forward slashes ( / ) and not
backward slashes ( \ ), even on windows platforms.

3.3 - Getting NeoTF to work with non-metamod libraries

Some addons (like HPB bot) aren't metamod plugins. If you want these
to work with NeoTF, you'll need to change the following file:

For Windows servers:


OR For Linux servers:


These files contain a SINGLE LINE with the name
of the .dll or .so file you want NeoTF to load.

So if you want to use HPB bot, change the file as follows:

For Windows servers, the"ntf_config.txt"
file would contain this entry:


For Linux servers, the "ntf_configlinux.txt"
file would contain this entry:

4 - Miscellaneous

4.1 - Installing new glyphs on the server

The list of glyphs and the command to use each one is in ntf_glyphs.txt
To install a new glyph, place the .spr file in the addons/NeoTF/sprites/glyphs
directory and add an appropriate line in the "ntf_glyphs.txt" file.

The format of the entries in "ntf_glyphs.txt" are as follows:

(name) (filename)

Where (name) is the name of the sprite to be displayed
for the "glyph_list" command, and (filename) is the exact
filename for the sprite.
They MUST be separated by a at least a single space.

Example entry:
attention sprites/glyphs/t_atten.spr

NOTE: Keep both the name and filename as short as possible.
NOTE: There MUST be NO spaces in the sprite's name or filename
for the sprite to be loaded correctly.

Any new glyphs must be 32x32 with alpha transparency. They can be animated.
Any client will automatically download the sprite files from the server upon
connecting. Be aware that Half-Life has a set precache limit that is shared
between sprites and models, so using a very large number of glyphs may cause
unexpected crashes on map load -- if this happens, remove some from the list.

We've disabled glyphs by default for this very reason - if you want to
use glyphs, note that some maps (like warpath) will indeed crash.

4.2 - Authorization

Some NeoTF commands (e.g. llamacage-related) require authorization.
Authorization is given by WONid. If you want certain players to have
access to these commands, create a file called "ntf_users.ini" in your
tfc/ directory.

The file has the following format, with one entry per line:


authid-or-ip = the player's authid (STEAM ID), or IP address
authlevel = the player's authorization level

authlevel is determined by adding together all the authorization codes
for each command you want the user to have access to.

Authlevels are described in the sample ntf_users.ini file
included with NeoTF.

Commands are described in detail in the ntf_admin_commands.txt file.

4.3 - Setting CVARs

There's a file called "ntf_cvars.cfg" included with NeoTF. It contains a
list of all the CVARs that affect the behaviour of NeoTF.

We suggest you put an "exec addons/NeoTF/ntf_cvars.cfg" line in your
server.cfg (orlistenserver.cfg) so that this file gets loaded by your server.

5 - STEAM Issues

5.1 - Creating a liblist.gam file.
If you do not have a liblist.gam file in either the client
or Dedicated server folders then you will have to make
one (the default one is locked away in the gcache file).

Creating the file:
1. Open up a text editor ( notepad for example ) and create a new file.
2. Put these settings:

// Team Fortress Classes Game .dll Listing File
// Load order is determined by file order.
game "Team Fortress"
url_info ""
url_dl ""
version "1.6"
size "37000000"
svonly "0"
cldll "0"
type "multiplayer_only"
// Don't show models in browser, since you don't pick them there anyway.
nomodels "1"
mpentity "info_tfdetect"
gamedll "addons\NeoTF\dlls\ntf.dll"
gamedll_linux "dlls/"
secure "1" // Enable VAC security modules

3. Choose "save as"
4. Change the file type to "All Files"
5. The filename will of course be "liblist.gam"
6. Choose the folder in which you will be saving the file.
7. Click "save".

5.2 - Liblist overwrite solution.

Note: This affects Dedicated servers using ANY addon MOD
that runs from a modified liblist.gam file ( Metamod, Adminmod etc ).

Everytime there is a STEAM update, this file is now extracted
from the gcache file and overwrites the existing one in the
Dedicated server directory. Your dedicated server has to be
restarted AT LEAST ONCE with the extracted (default) file
for it to run properly.

These are the steps to need to perform after every Update:
1. Back up your modified liblist.gam file, make the file read-only.
2. Delete the existing liblist.gam file in the directory.
3. Start up a normal TFC dedicated server.
4. Shut down the server once it is loaded up and running normally.
5. You will notice a new liblist.gam file in your Dedicated
server directory. This is the extracted file, replace it with
your modified read-only file.
6. Restart your Dedicated server.

6 - Removing NeoTF from a server

6.1 - Non Metamod server
To remove NeoTF from a Windows server,
edit tfc\liblist.gam and replace the line:

gamedll "addons\NeoTF\dlls\ntf.dll"


gamedll "dlls\tfc.dll"

To remove NeoTF from a Linux server,
edit tfc\liblist.gam and replace the line:

gamedll_linux "addons/NeoTF/dlls/"


gamedll_linux dlls/

After this is done, see Section 6.3

6.2 - Metamod server
Simply remove the NeoTF ntf.dll or entry from
your plugins.ini file (or metamod.ini for older MM versions)
or any NeoTF localinfo entries in your autoexec.cfg file.

After this is done, see Section 6.3

6.3 - Shared resources removal
Note: the relative path for a STEAM Dedicated server is:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\Dedicated Server\tfc

Note: the relative path for a STEAM LAN server (listenserver) is:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME@EMAIL\team fortress classic\tfc

Note: the relative path for a WON LAN server (listenserver) is:

(I). Delete the "neotf" folder inside the "tfc\models" folder.
(II). Delete the "neotf" folder inside the "tfc\sound" folder.
(III). Delete the "neotf" folder inside the "tfc\maps" folder.
(IV). Delete the "glyphs" folder inside the "tfc\sprites" folder.
(V). Delete the "NeoTF" folder inside the "tfc\addons" folder.
(VI). Remove the line "exec ntf_cvars.cfg" from any configs you are running.
(VII). Delete the ntf_cvars.cfg file.

7 - Bugs

Please report any bugs with an accurate description to the Forums at

8 - Credits

See ntf_help.txt for credits.

9 - Contact information

The NeoTF website is currently at
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