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Team Damage Flags

Mp_teamplay 1 = TP is on (must be set)
Mp_teamplay 11 = TP on with Friendly Firee
Mp_teamplay 21 = TP is on standard setting, no FF health stripping but FF armor strip on.
Mp_teamplay 1301 = TP is on, No friendly fire health or armor stripping from weapons or nades.
Mp_teamplay 175381 = TP is on, Mirror Damage On.

These numbers are made up by adding together the specific mp_teamplay commands for example 1+4+16+256+1024=1301

1 = Teamplay on (this should always be set)
2 = Teammates take half-damage from direct weaponfire
4 = Teammates take no damage from direct weaponfire
8 = Teammates take half-damage from explosive weaponfire
16 = Teammates take no damage from explosive weaponfire
128 = Teammates armor takes half-damage from direct weaponfire
256 = Teammates armor takes no damage from direct weaponfire
512 = Teammates armor takes half-damage from explosive weaponfire
1024 = Teammates armor takes no damage from explosive weaponfire
2048 = YOU take half damage from hitting Teammates with direct weaponfire
4096 = YOU take no damage from hitting Teammates with direct weaponfire
8192 = YOU take half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire
16384 = YOU take no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire
32768 = YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire
65536 = YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with direct weaponfire
131072 = YOUR armor takes half damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire
262144 = YOUR armor takes no damage from hitting Teammate with explosive weaponfire
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