Hi, My Name Is p0izon...


Jan 14, 2014
and I'm a concoholic. I would say I am an okay concer, but getting better everyday thanks to some of your help. I normally stay busy over on the EVIL servers fulfilling my duties and what not, but I always try to find some time to spend concing on Refugees. You guys have a great community and I truly do enjoy playing alongside you guys.

I recently took an interest in creating my own maps & plugins. So keep an eye out for me =], as soon as I feel I'm capable enough I'd like to start submitting to the community.
Good to meet ya Poizon ;) I've conced with you a few times on Refugees. I am also a concoholic and have no plans to veer from my path from becoming a good concer. I also learned Hammer a month or so ago with some help from D12, Ozz, Shadow, and Pizza. Made a couple maps and some individual jumps and am starting to realize how addicting mapping has become for me also! :D Looking forward to playing with you more and definately looking forward to the content you'll contribute :D Holla
Hey p0izon, good to see you apart of this great community. If you ever need help mapping, we have a lot of great people around here to help you including me. Cant wait to see your maps, we need new content to attract and keep new players.

Long live TFC and welcome to TFC Refugees! :smile: